In this interview Mary Sabo talks to Dr. Joseph Davis about the benefits of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for fertility patients.
Does Acupuncture Really Turn a Breech Baby?
It may seem somewhat strange, but acupuncture and particularly a technique called Moxibustion, has been used for thousands of years to help a breech baby find the right position for birth. In fact, a recent meta-analysis showed that it is not only helpful to correct a breech baby’s position, but may also reduce the need for pitocin during labor.
Finding the Best Fertility Doctor for You
What does your acupuncturist mean when she says your “Kidney” energy is weak?
A Reproductive Endocrinologist recently contacted me asking what the Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosis of “weak kidneys” meant. She was reviewing a scientific study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility that explored the effect of Chinese herbs administered in the three months leading up to and during an IVF on pregnancy rates.
How to Ease Anxiety During Assisted Reproductive Technology Treatment
Heighted stress and anxiety is a common hardship for couples finding it difficult to conceive. It can be a daunting process as they understand the reason for their infertility and navigate therapy options. As patients begin this process, it is important for them to find ways to cope as their physiological and psychological well-being directly influences the quality of their life and treatment outcomes during the patient journey.
Acupuncture during pregnancy…is it safe and how can it help?
I often get questions about acupuncture during pregnancy and whether or not it is safe to receive treatments during all three trimesters. In Chinese medical theory, our training teaches us that there are certain acupuncture points and areas of the body that should not be needled during most of the pregnancy.
The Benefits of Combining Acupuncture with your IVF & IUI
Part II: Finding the best help for managing PCOS
As we saw in PART I of this blog, PCOS is a common disorder affecting follicle development and ovulation in women of reproductive age. For details on the definition and diagnosis, please read PART I. In this PART II blog, we’ll discuss treatment options for supporting ovarian function and overall health in women with PCOS. Whether you are trying to conceive, or just trying to get your body more balanced, read on for helpful tips!
Part I: Understanding PCOS and getting a diagnosis
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. With the wide spread use of birth control pills, which externally regulate the menstrual cycle, PCOS is becoming more and more common. A lot of my patients get concerned that the pill may have caused their PCOS, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.