The Celluma Pro is a flexible LED light panel used specifically for photobiomodulation or phototherapy. This type of phototherapy can help increase circulation, accelerate tissue repair, decrease internal inflammation, kill acne bacteria on the skin, and improve overall skin tone, texture, and clarity. Since acupuncture does many of these things too, we are very excited to offer this treatment during acupuncture sessions to enhance results even more. Some preliminary studies also show red and near-infrared light therapy may improve fertility outcomes, particularly in women age 35 and older.
NAD+ Injections, Fertility, and Egg quality
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a naturally occurring metabolic cofactor in mammals that declines with age. Evidence suggests boosting NAD+ levels could improve egg quality and ovarian function (1,2,3,4). NAD+ is a large molecule and poorly absorbed through digestion, so injections or IV infusions are a preferred way to increase levels. Our team at Lily + Horn has collaborated with Reproductive Endocrinologists in New York City as well as experienced physicians who have been using NAD+ for years to create a dosage and protocol targeting ovarian function and egg quality
Why Working with an Acupuncturist Creates Better Live Birth Rates in an IVF
Many studies demonstrate that acupuncture helps improve outcomes when performed during IVF retrieval cycles and embryo transfer cycles. It also helps manage the intense stress and anxiety that can go along with struggling to conceive. The potent combination of IVF treatments, which increase the odds of creating and transferring chromosomally healthy embryos and using acupuncture to support each stage, improves pregnancy rates. But as demonstrated in Dr. Hullender Rubin’s study, working with an acupuncturist in the months leading up to and including IVF retrieval and embryo transfer cycles helps those pregnancies turn into healthy babies and mothers. For patients who need more in-depth nutrition/meal planning, bodywork, and talk therapy to manage their journey, Lily + Horn also has an in-house fertility-focused nutritionist, massage therapist, and talk therapists.
PGS Testing in a Nutshell
Patients undergoing a cycle of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) have the option of screening embryos using a process called Preimplantation Genetic Screening. PGS testing involves analyzing the number of chromosomes in a few cells of an embryo to determine if it contains the correct number of chromosomes (normal or “euploid”) or the wrong number (abnormal or “aneuploid”).