Fertility Support

Lily + Horn specializes in natural fertility enhancement, but is also at the forefront of integrative fertility care. Our Chelsea location is shared with IVF clinic CCRM NY. Our staff work onsite at their Midtown clinic to support Embryo Transfers.

Recent studies suggest using our tools in the months leading up to and during an IVF improve live birth outcomes.

The tools used in Chinese medicine (acupuncture, Chinese herbs, moxibustion, targeted nutrition) have been helping individuals and couples conceive and have healthy pregnancies for thousands of years.  Recent studies suggest that they may help improve fertility in many different ways including the following:

  • promoting ovulation

  • increasing blood flow to the uterus and ovaries

  • thickening the uterine lining

  • regulating the Hypothalamic Pituitary Ovarian axis

  • managing endometriosis lesions, symptoms, and reducing inflammation

  • improving the likelihood of implantation

  • regulating the menstrual cycle

  • improving hormone levels and ovulation in PCOS

  • increasing rates of pregnancy in IVF and IUIs

  • strengthening progesterone levels in the luteal phase

  • balancing hormones to reduce PMS, menstrual cramps and estrogen dominance

Because our approach is holistic, symptoms from stress such as trouble sleeping, moodiness, depression, upset digestion and fatigue also often improve.  While there are clear measurable benefits to increasing your chances of conceiving with Chinese medicine, most patients also report a reduction in stress levels and anxiety, especially when combined with mental health support.


IVF and IUI Support

Acupuncture During IVF and IUI

Supporting your Assisted Reproductive Technology cycles with acupuncture can potentially improve the outcome, while helping to manage anxiety and stress levels. Many studies (including a qualitative study Mary helped perform in collaboration with RMA NY) have demonstrated the benefits of combining acupuncture with your IVF and IUI cycles.  

One study performed by Paulus, et al. (2002) showed an almost 50% increase in pregnancy rates when acupuncture was performed before and after embryo transfer in an IVF. Another study by Hollander Rubin et al. (2015) found that patients who received acupuncture along with the full care of Chinese medicine (customized herbs and nutrition along with other appropriate lifestyle changes) in the months leading up to their IVF had an even greater improvement in the outcomes. We currently provide acupuncture support onsite at CCRM NY for patients undergoing embryo transfers.

How to incorporate acupuncture into your IVF and IUI:

Before your IVF

Getting comfortable with your Acupuncturist before your IVF is ideal. You can incorporate dietary and lifestyle changes that may improve your health and also impact your IVF experience and outcome.  Weekly sessions are recommended in the 2-3 months leading up to your IVF.

During your IVF

Acupuncture should be performed twice a week during the stimulation phase of your IVF. You can discuss a more customized plan with your practitioner, but it is common to strategically time sessions before the retrieval, before and after embryo transfer and a week following the transfer. 

During a Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

For FET cycles, weekly acupuncture is recommended with sessions timed before and after embryo transfer. 

During an IUI

Weekly acupuncture during an IUI is recommended, timing one session close to the IUI. 

After a Successful IUI or IVF

Acupuncture is a wonderful and safe addition to your prenatal care from the very first positive test through labor and delivery and postpartum care.  For more information on how acupuncture can support a healthy pregnancy click here!


Pregnancy and Postpartum Support

Lily + Horn specializes in pregnancy, prenatal, and post natal care. We can help signal a breech baby to turn, improve lactation, decrease back pain, nausea, constipation, and insomnia.


Acupuncture performed by an experienced practitioner is not only safe during all three trimesters, but it also helps support a healthy pregnancy and may help with symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, anxiety, constipation, back pain, headaches, and insomnia. Studies also show that using our tool moxibustion around week 35 can help signal a breech baby to turn. Learn more here.


After delivery, during the postpartum time, acupuncture and Chinese herbs can also assist in recovering, healing, and providing for their baby by supporting the hormonal shifts that create anxiety and depression, aches and pains, pelvic floor issues, constipation, insomnia, as well as lactation support.